Poem: I need a new way

by Liy Yusof. "oh orenda, show me my coordinates / oh sophrosyne, the mysteries of my blood"

Poem: I need a new way
Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash

oh orenda, show me my coordinates
oh sophrosyne, the mysteries of my blood

cloudwalking through mountains of time
Take me to where lime grows wild

I ache for the dirt under a fern
I need a new way—

oh sillage, years gone from fabric
but never the smell of light on your skin

Liy Yusof, 31. June 2018.

Liy is a Southeast Asian Muslim knowledge worker and poet, sharing what they learned from the periphery to prep for precarious futures. This is an ad-free space outside of the algo. If you're new here (hello!) or need a refresher, start here for house rules. Here is what I am up to now. I spend time thinking out of my zettelkasten notes system and sharing playlists of curated treasures from my time travels. Consider subscribing for free to stay in touch— I only send out letters a few times a year. If you valued something here, tell me over DM (if we have access to each other) or tip this cryptid with a message— that sends a clear signal of appreciation ✨