Poem: How To Be A Bed
by Liy. "Understand that your horizon groans heavy / with the burden of absorbing human grief"
Understand that your horizon groans heavy
with the burden of absorbing human grief.
But relish their shape,
admire their skin,
and memorise their scent.
Dismiss how they dress you easily
if they dress you at all.
Forgive them for piling on your weight
For that perfectly soft dive into the sea.
Gasp when they fall
but never too loud
they trust that you will catch them.
It is a responsibility
to close their eyes and calm them from
every goddamned thing alive—
never take it for granted
or squeal out your envy
when they are finally
not alone.
Just be one of the few to keep their secrets
and always, always hold them back.
Liy Yusof, 21. From a poetry workshop where we imagined writing a guide to being other things.