Coming out vs. coming in
"Coming in" is to think about inviting or allowing someone to "come in" to your life.

Today I am thinking of a different framework to experiencing authenticity and liberation, coined by Sekneh Hammoud-Beckett, a scholar and therapist of Lebanese Muslim ancestry.
Instead of coming out and all its attendant pressure, "coming in" is to think about inviting or allowing someone to "come in" to your life. Hospitable sharing gives you the choice to disclose to who you feel safe with, when you are ready.
You have a rich inner world.
It isn't some 'closet.'
It's sacred.
See also Coming Out or Inviting In?, by writer/poet and activist Darnell L. Moore.
Liy is a Southeast Asian Muslim knowledge worker and poet, sharing what they learned from the periphery to prep for precarious futures. This is an ad-free space outside of the algo. If you're new here (hello!) or need a refresher, start here for house rules. Here is what I am up to now. I spend time thinking out of my zettelkasten notes system and sharing playlists of curated treasures from my time travels. Consider subscribing for free to read more and stay in touch— I only send out letters a few times a year. If you valued something here, tell me over DM (if we have access to each other) or tip this cryptid with a message— that sends a clear signal of appreciation ✨